
Send a Message to Sandra

{Sandra is a positive person who talks with a smile in her voice. She follows up on every detail. Customers trust her because she is knowledgeable about educational issues and sales. She keeps up on new educational teaching methods. She is a complete team member, supporting others when asked.
Bill Barnet
Educational Sales Consultant and Real Estate Broker
{Sandra has had a vast experience in education using a comprehensive literacy model. Your acquaintence with the New Zealand model puts her in a rare position to assistance schools and districts in making adjustments to what their doing allowing for improvements that will be astounding. Her personality is bright and uplifting. She is a true blessing to the educational community and I am honored to call her a colleague and friend.
Keith Pruitt, Ed.S.
Words of Wisdom Educational Consulting
{Sandra is a true professional. She is instrumental in providing the right strategic objectives in Reading, Early Childhood, Bilingual and ESL classrooms helping teachers pairing the right product to help their students reach their potential. Sandra is a teachers teacher she relates to all.
Tony Sanchez
Sales Consultant at Rosen Publishing
{Sandra has incredible energy and enthusiasm for education and the product she represents. She inspires those she works with, and customers adore her. She is an award-winning sales rep. She goes above and beyond to understand her customer's needs and to service what she sells. Any company would be lucky to have her on its sales team.
Laura L. Strom


Columbia City
Seattle, WA 98118

Service Hours

M-F: 7am – 7pm
Weekends: Closed

Phone & Email
